Successful changes always involve effective communications with stakeholders.
At MGP we align with your communications and marketing teams on internal and external messages and tactics, so they support your corporate brand and sustain or strengthen your trusted relationships. It’s important to develop a strategy based on best practices and baseline awareness research. That strategy identifies key messages, and which channels audiences use to get their information, providing feedback to the company (social media, traditional media, community meetings, online chat, calls to customer support, regulatory hearings). It sets a timeline based on project milestones and includes evaluation to make sure the messages are being heard, feedback is being acknowledged/considered, and behavior is changing.

It’s important to develop a strategy based on best practices and baseline awareness research. That strategy identifies key messages and which channels audiences use to get their information and provide feedback to the company (social media, traditional media, community meetings, online chat, calls to customer support, regulatory hearings). It sets a timeline based on project milestones and includes evaluation to make sure the messages are being heard, feedback is being acknowledged/considered, and behavior is changing.